
Mix Tape's History Remix

Sophie Kinsella

I follow Sophie Kinsella on social media. I don’t know her. She manages to keep her private life out of the promotional spotlight. She did post recently that she had some medical issues and thanked people for their support. It appears that she is back to herself again.

I first heard of Kinsella with the Shopaholic series. Since then I’ve read almost all Kinsella’s books. It’s a shame they made a mess of Shopaholic when Hollywood made a movie of it, because those stories could’ve made fun movies. Many of Kinsella’s other stories would make great movies.

Kinsella doesn’t write long  paragraphs of descriptions and expositions. It is easy to see the scene and character through dialogue. She incorporates the scenery in the action of the characters. Her characters have such visible and clearly written personality that you can see them. The events happen and characters’ reactions tell the story.

Her main characters are young professional women. They struggle with the business world and home. Sometimes one world gets so messed up that it messes the other world.

Becky Bloomwood was a professional writer with no self control.

Kinsella writes about current fads and culture at the time of publishing. The glamping fad passed.

The other woman author that I wrote a lot about in this blog is Lisa Jewell. Unlike Jewell, Kinsella hasn’t ventured out of her genre. Kinsella is really good at the rom-com and she keeps writing them.