Dallas Page for the Hall of Fame
The New Jersey Hall of Fame has a new class every year. Last year I noticed that there were no professional wrestlers in the Sports or Entertainment sections. The first nominee I pushed for was Dallas Page.
You don’t just get into the Hall of Fame by Willy-Nilly choices. Dallas Page shouldn’t be nominated by just being famous. He has done many inspiring things.
Dallas Page was born in Pt. Pleasant NJ. He later moves to Florida and goes from job to job. His career in pro wrestling began when he was 35 years old. He worked his way up bit by bit and fall by fall. He reached the pinnacle of his field.
Rather than coast in retirement on old stories and counting money, Page devoted his time, money and goals to helping others who are struggling physically and mentally. He created DDP Yoga with health experts. There are scores of people that tell stories of his inspiration.
Top of his field.