
Mix Tape's History Remix

Looking for The Odd Couple on Youtube

 I subscribe to the Driving for Deco blog. I never know what I’m going to get with any post. They go from the history of appliances to movies, to rating antique malls. On the week of July 4th, 2021 they posted a blog about published sheet music covers. Check it out. 

The part of the blog about the song “Stumbling” caught me. This song was from the 1920s and in spite of listening to “Music from 100 Years Ago” podcast for 8 years, it wasn’t a song I would know. When I heard it, I knew it, couldn’t remember why.

Turns out I knew it from the old tv show The Odd Couple. I could picture Tony Randall singing it. In the show, his character had a band called The Sophisticatos. They did turn of the last century songs, probably public domain songs.

 I spent two hours on YouTube looking for clips of this song. There was such a clip. Monty Hall sang the song on the show. I went through hours of videos to find the clip of the song.

 The Odd Couple still holds up as a funny show. It was odd at times, predictable, silly, and at times it had heart. 

The Driving for Deco site:

The post that lead me to look up this song