No Movie Hero Would Do this Act of Strength
I watch a lot of action movies. The Marvel movies have outlandish stunts and explosions. These are super heroes so you expect that and go with it. There are other action movies that are supposed to be grounded, but have stunts that aren’t realistic. I’ve seen stunts where anyone would die, but the protagonist doesn’t get a scratch.
There is the story of Daniel Inoyoe. He is known as a long-serving senator for Hawaii. He also served in the Army and did one of the wildest things that no movie star would do.
Inoyoe was born in 1924 in Hawaii, long before Hawaii became a state. He watched the Pearl Harbor invasion on December 7, 1941 happen from his house. That alone is traumatic. He joined the Red Cross to help soldiers recover while he went to High School during the day.
Because he was part Japanese, he wasn’t permitted to join the US Army until later in the war. Not due to age. The block was due to racism of the time. Rather than saying “too bad for you,” he joined when he got the chance anyway.
In a battle, he got shot. Traumatic enough.
He kept going. The platoon got bogged down in firing and attacks. Inoyoe grabbed a grenade to throw at the opposing shooters. One sniper shot Inoyoe’s arm and blew it off his body with the grenade still in his hand. Traumatic enough.
The hand still held the grenade so it didn’t go off. Whichever is true here is still more brave than anyone ever.
He picks the grenade out of his hand on the floor and throws the grenade before it goes off. OR he picked up the hand and the grenade and threw both at the enemy shooter!
Imagine the shock of seeing your hand blown off on the floor. Then imagine picking that up and throwing it!
Then having to survive the battle and later going to the hospital.
He had to explain this to a doctor. In the heat of battle, there are extraordinary shows of bravery. No doubt. Can you imagine saying “I threw my arm at the enemy”?
Inoyoe went to law school and became a legislator. Everyday he had that reminder of the shock and what he did afterward.
Captain America throws his shield and we are amazed how he throws and hits someone. Daniel Inoyoe threw his hand. His hand.