High School WoodShop
I had to take wood shop in High School. I get why we take the class. Things break in the world and it helps to know how to fix them. I had been around wood working and home repairs my whole life. There were things that broke in the house, not all by me. Guys tinker in their fee time.
They don’t make tools for small hands so when you’re a kid, it’s tough to help with home repairs. Adults hit a nail a couple times and it’s in. When your hands barely wrap around the hammer, you miss, you don’t hit hard enough. You hit a nail too hard and it bends. Its’ frustating and I’m sure many adults gave up on being handy at a young age because of it. The flip is, there are so many machines and computers with small parts that adults can’t get their hands in there.
By high school you can hold the tools and understand what they can do.
I don’t remember which year it was, I made a book shelf. Three shelves on one side and two shelves on the left side. It’s stained and varnished. For the first time in life, the nails went in without bending. The wood is cut to fit into each corner. Don’t look on the back because there are still pencil marks of measurements. I’ve never had to re-paint it.
I still use this mini-bookshelf after all these decades because it still held together and is practical.