Boy-Lee's Favorite Clothes
Boy-Lee is Mix’s best friend. He dressed trendy and flashy. Where did he get his fashion sense?
I used to watch Miami Vice. Everyone likes that show. Guys in magazines dress like Don Johnson. The whole wardrobe on the show is bright shirts and casual wear. Now guys in this town stopped wearing socks. Some of the tougher guys say they stopped wearing socks like Mike Tyson. Yeah.
Ferris Bueller wore white socks. He also wore a vest that I can’t find anywhere. I have these casual vests like Ferris. I didn’t like them. Spring is hot this year so I don’t like those vests. I wear white socks like Ferris. No one realizes that my white socks is how I follow Ferris’s style.
You can read about Boy-Lee and the rest of the gang in this series. Available at The links are in the books tab on this site.