
Mix Tape's History Remix

John Carradine- What is Success?

John Carradine has been considered the most prolific actor in film history. He started with uncredited roles in silent movies and worked up till his death in 1988. He was in schlocky horror movies, Academy Award winners, plays, television and comedies. He could be an authority figure, a lothario, a wild man. 

He never won an academy award. 

Would you call him a success? 

I write this because decades after his death, I know his work. He had a deep voice that commanded attention. He was clearly the most versatile actor of his time. Need a general, call Carradine. Need someone a little off for a scary role, call Carradine. Need an everyman side kick? Call Carradine.

I think his performance in “Grapes of Wrath” was better than star, Henry Fonda. 

That line I just wrote about the Academy Award has me thinking. I don’t really enjoy the award shows because they seem so rigged for popularity. Emmy voters watch 5 shows and nominate everyone from those shows. That actor that does an amazing show on the mid rated show won’t see an award. That actress that is the envy of girls, but is in a streaming service show won’t see an award. 

The number of great artists never nominated for a Grammy is too much for one blog. 

Some great actors get a nomination, but many more never get that nomination because they weren’t in the right movie. Be great in every role, but don’t get in THAT movie about the guy who feels bad or a big historical drama, and you don’t get a nomination.

Does it mean these artists aren’t successful? I’ve lost interest in those award shows that make art a competitive sport. Do you need an award to be a success? Is John Carradine less of an actor without an award? He was working in a very competitive field right up to his last days. 

He was a success without any award saying so.