
Mix Tape's History Remix

I remember Matt Pinfield on the radio so I read his book

My Improbable Life- Matt Pinfield

Matt Pinfield was easy to like as a deejay at the Jersey Shore in the 1990s. By his admission here, he was bald, build like a rock and had a granite chewing voice. The thing was, he loved the music. He knew about bands and he knew bands. He was a normal guy who could be your friend with the cool music. 

Some of that image changes in this book. He starts hoarding and shop lifting music in his youth. Then he practically becomes a music star by playing music. He has loads of sex, drugs, and clubbing. He goes through girlfriends who are there just to provide free CDs to him. 

When the good scene at the Jersey Shore dries up, he becomes a media music guy on cheesy shows raving about Sisquo's Thong Song. The book stops being as interesting in the late 90s until he becomes a record company guy. 

All in all a good book about the changing music world from a guy who was in the thick of it and did what he could to stay part of it. 

i would recommend this to music lovers.

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