
Mix Tape's History Remix

Reading in Guyville

I just finished "Liz Phair Exile in Guyville" by Gina Arnold . It's part of the 33 1/3 series of books. I've read other books by this company and I liked Liz Phair music in the past. 

I wondered if the author listened to the album while I read the beginning of the book. It seemed like she had these essays already written and retro-fitted the album into her thesis. She sprinkles in how the album was not favorably reviewed. It actually made me dislike the album. By around 50% of the book, the tone changes. She examines the album song by song and it’s often compared to similar titled partner “Exile on Main Street” by the Rolling Stones.

The review is very well done. The book closes with an examination on how modern woman are presented and how we look for tastemakers in music. The last half of the book makes the purchase worthwhile. 

Three stars 


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