
Mix Tape's History Remix

What Should Frozen Ghost See?

There are some songs that are just as relevant years after they were released. “Should I See” by Frozen Ghost is one such song. "How could you censor my thoughts? Tell me what's right. What is not?" These lyrics about control, censorship, and confusion were not common in the 1980s. At the time it could be about the Cold War totalitarian governments. 

"Take away my right to voice. All my dreams and all my views, take away my right to choose." 

These lyrics could be sung today by women, minorities, or anyone not wealthy. Instead of opening up voting or making it easier, polling places are closing. There are less big house publishers. There are less television networks. There are less local newspapers. 

There is a chorus of female voices singing, "an na na na." Men and women singing out. 

This song opens up with a piano intro. The song is driven by piano, it's not a guitar heavy song.  The song is also not 1980s synth heavy. 

Sadly this song was not a hit in mainstream America upon release. I doubt many people my age remember this song. Frozen Ghost was really popular in their native Canada. (Seriously America; Canadian Alain’s Morrisette was huge, not these guys!?). This song peaked at 69 on the Billboard Pop Chart, according to Wikipedia. 

Let's give this a listen through current ears and enjoy. 

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