Let's Nominate Dallas Page for the New Jersey Hall of Fame Hall of Fame, WrestlingJJ LairDecember 9, 2023wrestlingComment
Missing from the New Jersey Hall of Fame Wrestling, Hall of FameJJ LairDecember 2, 2023wrestling, New Jersey, Hall of FameComment
Julian Lennon and The White Feather Foundation environment, Julian Lennon, pop singersJJ LairNovember 25, 2023environment, Julian LennonComment
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Help Yourself to your career Mr. Lennon Julian Lennon, musicJJ LairAugust 26, 2023music, environment, physics, rebellion, Julian LennonComment
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Daydreaming with Julian Lennon 1987, musicJJ LairAugust 12, 2023Julian Lennon, musi, pop songsComment
Julian Lennon Valotte Entertainment, music, pop singersJJ LairAugust 5, 2023music, pop songs, harmonica solos, Julian Lennon, The BeatlesComment
The Elvis Train Wreck Concert 1970s, Elvis Presely, Entertainment, musicJJ LairJuly 29, 2023concerts, music, Rock music, 1970sComment
The Rise and Tragic Fall of America's Mayor- Andrew Kirtzman book reviews, historyJJ LairJuly 22, 2023politics, corruption, heroComment
I listened to all the albums on the Rolling Stone Top 500 Albums!!!!! Rolling Stone magazineJJ LairJuly 8, 2023music lists, music, Folk Music, Rock musicComment
Kid A by Radiohead a New Album for a New Age Rolling Stone magazineJJ LairJuly 1, 2023Radiohead, EDM, albums, alternative musicComment
Saturday Night Fever is 163 on Rolling Stone's top 500 albums 1970s, Rolling Stone magazine, DiscoJJ LairJune 24, 2023John Travolta, The Bee Gees, albums, movie soundtracksComment
The Lies Lies Lies of Simon and Garfunkel 1970s, Entertainment, musicJJ LairJune 17, 2023Simon and Garfunkel, albums, Folk MusicComment
Love the Forever Changes on Rolling Stone Magazine Top 500 albums JJ LairMay 27, 2023Love, California rock, Arthur LeeComment
Neil Young on the Rolling Stone Magazine Top 500 albums JJ LairMay 20, 2023Neil Young, grunge, Rolling Stone MagazineComment
The Who Sells out Live at Leeds The WhoJJ LairMay 13, 2023music, live music, concerts, concept albumsComment
Merle Haggard and Bro Country music, Merle HaggardJJ LairMay 6, 2023country music, music, oldies musicComment