cigar smoking shows refinement
Cigar Smoking Excess
Cigar smoking became fad popular in the 1990s. There was Cigar Magazine, smoke shops, and cigar stores. There is a smoke shop on South St. in Freehold, NJ that’s been around for decades.
The post is from the point of view of a cigar smoker.
A good cigar is wrapped tight. It has a potent aroma. Take a deep breath of that tobacco and let it all out. Its clearing the lungs to get all that out. The smoke fills the air around you.
Hold that cigar. It’s like another finger. It’s a sign of prosperity and manners. Oh sure, you can buy cheap ones. A man will buy cheap ones because it’s close to the refinement that we all want.
Some little guy says, “this cigar is forty cigars to the fifteen dollar box and that’s better than a cheap cigar. Ohh it came in a box.”
I buy the boxes that cost a hundred dollars. No small time here.
I need to light the cigar I’m holding. See how it lights? I’m going to roll this between my fingers.
A little secret.
You only need two good cigars a day. One to puff on during the day. You let it burn, take a puff, pick it up and hold it, take a puff, let it burn down. Make it last for hours.
One good after dinner cigar. You don’t even need to finish it. A good liquor and a cigar. That’s how you end your hard day of finance.
I smoke five cigars a day. I need that cigar. I like the manly way of living and doing business. I like to take a puff now. I’ll leave that cigar in my mouth while I count receipts. I take a puff now. It feels good. A good dinner cigar at lunch makes lunch special. A good mid-day cigar makes the end of business complete. A good cigar when I loosen my tie relaxes me. A puff right now feels good.
Manners and refinement are important. Puff